Upcoming events.

March Board Meeting
Merry Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Members monthly meeting.

Big Spring Clean!
Volunteers will help to clean up storm drains and drainage areas around Briar Creek. This site is hosted by the Merry Oaks Neighborhood Association!
Sign up below on 3/29/25 The Big Spring Clean @ Merry Oaks:

March Driveway Party
March Driveway Party @ Izzy & David’s House
2220 Arnold Dr.
Exact time and details TBD

May General Meeting
Neighborhood meeting open to all Merry Oaks neighbors. Expect neighborhood updates, opportunities to get engaged, CMPD report, and more!
Exact location TBD

October General Meeting
Neighborhood meeting open to all Merry Oaks neighbors. Expect neighborhood updates, opportunities to get engaged, CMPD report, and more!
Exact location TBD

February General Meeting
Neighborhood meeting open to all Merry Oaks neighbors. Expect neighborhood updates, vote for members of the board, opportunities to get engaged, CMPD report, and more!
Location: Deli Street (2801 Central Ave)

February Driveway Party
Hot Chocolate Run Cheer Station @ the Knoblich’s
Exact time TBD.

February Board Meeting
Merry Oaks Neighborhood Association Board Members monthly meeting.

Book Club
Interested in joining? Send Cate an email catemartin35@gmail.com
Book: The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn

CMPD Community Roll Call
ALL Merry Oaks neighbors have been invited to the Eastway Division’s shift changeover for their Roll Call. This is a rare opportunity for our neighborhood to participate in such an event and will include Mayor Pro Tem Dante Anderson
Why Attend?
Our neighborhood has experienced recent and persistent incidents involving indiscriminate firearm discharges, the use of commercial-grade fireworks, and other disturbances that violate City and County ordinances, and potentially state and federal law. This Roll Call is an excellent opportunity for us to:
-Voice our concerns and priorities directly to CMPD and City policymakers.
-Learn more about the steps being taken to address recurring issues.
-Collaborate with law enforcement and local officials to enhance our neighborhood’s safety and quality of life.
Why Is this a unique opportunity for Merry Oaks?
This Roll Call is especially significant because it will include Mayor Pro Tem Dante Anderson, who will join CMPD officers to discuss ongoing challenges, particularly around safety and noise concerns at and near Buena Vida Apartments. Having Mayor Pro Tem Anderson hear concerns directly from Merry Oaks neighbors can be instrumental in advocating for potential changes to City ordinances that could improve our neighborhood's safety and quality of life.
If you work from home or have flexibility during your lunch hour, I encourage all Merry Oaks residents to attend. This is a rare opportunity to have our voices heard by both CMPD and City leadership.
If you have questions or specific concerns you’d like addressed during the Roll Call, please feel free to contact Andrew Knoblich at ajknoblich@gmail.com.
We are incredibly thankful to our Eastway Division officers for extending this opportunity to meet with them and City officials. Your engagement and commitment to Merry Oaks make all the difference, and we hope to see you there!

Driveway Party
January Driveway Party. Brink your own picnic. Hosted by the Welker’s. 1748 Flynnwood Drive.